English Used at the Airport

First lets review some important vocabulary that are very common to hear at an airport.

check :  預ける
check :  調べる
landing :  着陸
arrive :  到着する
depart :  出発する
boarding :  搭乗 
pre-boarding :  事前搭乗 
boarding pass :  搭乗券 
take off :  飛び立つ
carry on bag :  機内持ち込み手荷物
hazardous material :  危険物  
fragile :  壊れやすい  
taxi : (airplane moving slowly on the groundoverhead bin :  荷物入れ
motion sickness : 乗り物酔い  

At the Check in Counter

Check in Agent:   May I see your passport please.

Passenger:  Here you are.

Check in Agent:  I see that you are traveling to Incheon and then to Los Angeles.  Is that correct?

Passenger:  Yes that’s correct.

Check in Agent: Is Los Angeles your final destination?

Passenger:  Yes.

Check in Agent: How many bags are you checking?

Passenger:  Two bags.

Check in Agent: Are you carrying any hazardous materials or anything fragile?

Passenger: No.

Check in Agent: Okay, please put the first bag on the scale and then your second bag after that.  We need to check if they are overweight.

Passenger: Okay.

Check in Agent:  Okay, here is your baggage claim ticket and your boarding pass.  Your gate is C8.  Go up the stairs, through security and turn right and you will see your gate.

Passenger: I have a question.  Will my bags be checked all the way to Los Angeles?  Or do I need to pick them up in the Incheon Airport.

Check in Agent: Your bags will be checked all the way to your final destination.  You will pick them up when you get off the plane in Los Angeles.

We will review more at our next class.  Sometimes the gate agent, or airline employee will use a little different English or ask a little different questions.  If you study the vocabulary you will be ready and you can easily understand what they will say.

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カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , , , パーマリンク

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