Review of 11/28 class conversation.


Hello everyone,

Here is a quick review of some main points from tonight’s class.

飲む = drink   飲んだ = drank    よっぱらう = to get drunk

For example;

I drank 3 beers last night but I did not get drunk.

予約 = to book   往復 = round trip    片道 = one way

For example;

I booked a round trip ticket to Idaho last week.

1/4 = one quarter / one fourth

2/4  or  (1/2)   = one half / half / two fourths

3/4 = three quarters / three fourths

For example;

3:15 = A quarter after three.     3:45 = A quarter to four.   3:30 = Half past three.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英会話スクール・教室へ

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , パーマリンク

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