Common English

Hello everyone,

The weather is really cold recently.  It is common for people to get sick when the weather changes.  When autumn (秋) changes to winter ( 冬) we call it “flu season” (インフルエンザ 季節) in America.   So here is some common and useful English for when you get sick.

I caught a cold.  (風邪をひいた)

I have a fever.     ( 熱があります )

I have a runny nose.  ( 鼻水が出ます)

The doctor prescribed me antibiotics.  ( 医者は私に抗生物質を処方した )

I have a sore throat. ( のどがいたい)  

I have a bad cough. (私は悪い咳をする)

I’m feeling a little under the weather.  (私はちょっと病気です。)

Stay warm everyone and I hope you don’t get sick!!


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カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , パーマリンク


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