“My boom” Vocabulary Lesson

I often hear “My boom is Pokemon Go.”, or “My boom is ___________ .”, or
“What is your boom?” .

To Japanese people, “boom” means something that you really like.
Something new that is popular.
For example it can be a new style of clothes.
For native English speakers the meaning of “boom” is different.
Boom means a loud noise. Like an explosion.

For example,

During the storm last night, the thunder made a loud boom.
When I dropped the book on the floor it made a loud boom.
When I see fireworks I like to hear the loud boom when they explode.

The correct word to use is “to obsess” (verb) ”  Normally it is used in the past tense and it is used with the words “with” or “over” both have the same meaning.
I am obsessed with  _______ .
She is obsessed over _________ .
We also use “obsession (noun)”.

For example,

My obsession this year is coffee.  Last year I was obsessed over tea.
Recently people in Japan are obsessed over Pokemon Go.
I am obsessed with Japanese culture.   or   My obsession is Japanese culture.
My friends obsession is shopping.   or
My friend is obsessed with shopping.


loud noise  :  大きな音
explosion  :  爆発(ばくはつ)
storm  :  嵐
thunder  :  雷(かみなり)
obsess  :  執着する
obsession  :  執着

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