Monday Review 2/27

Hi everyone,

Lets review some of the words that we used tonight in some different sentences.  The first words “my boom” and “high tension” are common mistakes when Japanese people speak English.

My boom :  obsession (noun)  / obsess (verb)

My obsession this year is drinking different flavors of coffee.   I am obsessed with this new flavor of coffee called dark mocha.

High tension :  excite (verb) / exciting (noun)  {High Tension really means that something is very stressful, or that something is pulled very tight.}

I was really excited when I went to the concert with my friends.  It was a very exciting and fun night.

Rowdy :   乱暴な 騒々しい    noisy, loud, and moving around usually with lots of power or energy.

When I take my dogs to the park they are always very rowdy.  The neighbors next to my house have three rowdy teenage boys.

Fat :  太い  /  脂肪

I went back to America during Christmas vacation and I got a little fat.  Since I gained weight I want to start eating healthy and go on a diet.  So I will try to eat less sweet, salty, and fatty foods. 

Thick :  厚い / 太い / 濃い

I like to eat thick slices of meat.  I especially like to eat a big fat steak with potatoes and thick brown gravy (グレービー).

Previous :  前の

This artist’s new music is really good, but I liked his previous album better.

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カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , , パーマリンク


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