Monday 3/13 Review


Before class started today we talked about a few common words in English about price.

price :  価格
fee :  料金
bill :  ビル
pay : 払う
charge :   料金 /チャージ  

Today I got my electric bill in the mail.  I was surprised that my monthly usage charge was so high.  In the envelope with the bill was a piece of paper that said the fee would increase next month.  I will go to the convenient store tonight and pay my bill.

We also talked about how to say, “It’s been a while since ________ .

For example;

It’s been a while since I went out drinking with my friends.   It’s also been a little while since I drank alcohol.

We also practiced how to say “something is supposed to” or “something should be”.

For example;

Since it is Sunday the bank is supposed to be closed.

The weather forecast said that its supposed to be sunny tomorrow.  Today was a sunny and clear day so tomorrow should be nice weather too.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英会話スクール・教室へ

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , , パーマリンク


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