Hi everyone, here is this weeks listening exercise.
I decided to use a scene from a movie called The Grand Budapest Hotel by director Wes Anderson. He has a very unique style for his movies. Every scene is usually perfectly balanced.
WARNING – This clip below uses very slang and dirty English. I never recommend to use dirty English but I do think it is important to understand dirty English since it is very common in movies and casual conversation.
It is difficult to understand everything in this clip, but please use your imagination to guess what is happening.
Please watch this scene and answer the questions.
1. Why did the man in the purple jacket come to this place?
2. What is his job?
3. What is happening in this scene and why are there so many people gathered in this building?
4. Why is the man in the black suit angry?
5. Why did the man in the black suit punch the man in the purple jacket?