This Weeks listening Exercise

Hi everyone, this weeks listening exercise will be down on the right side column like before.

Also here is the text from last weeks movie.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

 Dimitri:         He’s a concierge.  What are you doing here?

Gustav H. :   I’ve come to pay my respects to a great woman whom I loved.

Dimitri:         This man is an intruder in my home.

Gustav H. :   It’s not yours yet Dimitri.  Only when probate is granted and the deed of entitlement has,,

Dimitri:         You’re not getting “Boy with Apple” you goddamn little fruit.

Gustav H. :   How’s that supposed to make me feel?

Dimitri:         Call the police!  We’re pressing charges. This criminal has plagued my family for nearly 20 years.  He’s a ruthless adventurer and a con artist who preys on mentally feeble, sick old ladies and he probably fucks them too!

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe パーマリンク


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