Hello everyone, I often hear Japanese people say “high tension”.
For example,
“The movie was fun and high tension.
I felt high tension when I met the celebrity.
The correct word to use is “excite“.
The movie was fun and exciting.
I felt excited when I met the celebrity.
High tension has a different meaning in English.
Tension is when you stretch something until it is very tight, or mental and emotional stress.
So “high tension” means something that is very stressful.
For example,
I felt high tension during my test.
My job has high tension and is very stressful.
So next time make sure to use the correct word.
tension : 緊張 張力
celebrity : 有名人
excite : 興奮させる
stretch : 引き伸ばす
tight : きつい 固い
mental : 心的
emotional : 感情的な 感情の