Movie Listening Exercise

Listen to the following movie clip and try to answer these two questions. I have also wrote down the dialogue. You will need to do a little research and thinking to be able to answer these two questions. Good Luck!

  1. Why is the shop staff surprised when Marty orders a tab?
  2. Why is the shop staff surprised when Marty orders a Pepsi Free?

Marty Mcfly: Gimme, gimme a tab.

Shop Staff:  Tab, I can’t give you a tab unless you order something.

Marty Mcfly:  Alright, give me a Pepsi Free. 

Shop Staff:  You want a Pepsi pal, you gonna pay for it.

Marty Mcfly:  Look just give me something without any sugar in it okay.

Shop Staff:  Something without sugar. 

Biff:  Hey Mcfly!  What do you think you’re doing? 

Marty Mcfly:  Biff.

Biff:  Hey I’m talking to you Mcfly, you Irish bug!

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