Common Greetings

Good Evening,

Tonight we talked a lot about greetings in English.  There are various ways to say “Hello” and “How are you?” in English.  The main purpose of these questions is to start a conversation.

Here are some common examples;

Hows life?  How is it going?  How is it going recently?  How is work?  How is your family?  How was your trip?  How was your weekend?  How are you doing?  How is life?  How is life treating you?   How is everything?

We also talked about how to use the word “fun”.

When you are talking about your feelings or the feelings of other people we say:  have fun / had fun

For example;

I had fun at the museum.
My friends had fun at the movies.
I always have a lot of fun when I go to Disneyland.
We didn’t have fun at the beach because it rained.

When you are talking about an event or a place you say :  is fun / was fun

It was a fun concert.
Disneyland is fun except when it is crowded, then it is not fun.

We can also use both have fun and is fun in the same sentence.

For Example,

Disneyland is usually fun but because I was sick, I didn’t have fun.
The library is very boring and not fun, but I found an interesting book so today I had fun.

Have a Happy Valentines Day everyone and we will see you on Saturday!!

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英会話スクール・教室へ

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , , パーマリンク


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