Answers to English Quiz

There are many possible answers to the pictures. Here are a few answers depending on which subject you put first.

  1. The box is on top of the card. The card is under the box. The box has a card under it. The card has a box on top of it.
  2. The card is in the box. The box has a card inside of it.
  3. The box has a card leaning on it. The card is leaning on the box.
  4. The card is stuck on the edge of the box. The card is sticking out of the edge of the box. The box has a card sticking out of its edge.
  5. The card is next to the box. The card is beside the box. The card is on the side of the box. The box is next to the card. The card has a box next to it. The box has a card on the side of it.
  6. The box has a card on it. The card is on top of the box. The box is under the card. The card has a box under it.
カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe パーマリンク


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