Taste and Flavor


Let’s practice some English using various common words for the flavor and taste of food.

Savory :  風味豊かな           
Oily :  油性          
Salty :   塩辛い              
Bitter :  苦い          
Sweet : 甘い     
Sour :  酸っぱい    
Spicy/Hot :  辛い

Let’s use these words in some example sentences.

In America it is very common to mix savory and sweet foods together.  I love bacon on top of my pancakes.  The sweet syrup and the savory bacon are a delicious combination.

My grandpa used to put peanuts in his beer.  He liked the salty taste of the peanuts mixed with the bitter taste of the beer.  When he finished drinking his beer, he would eat beer soaked(浸した)  peanuts at the bottom of his glass.

When I go to a Chinese restaurant I like to order hot and sour soup.  The sour flavor is from black vinegar(お酢).  The spicy flavor is from chili peppers.

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , , , パーマリンク


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