Naomi Interview Answers

Noami’s Interview

Naomi’s answers to interview questions.

1. Um, I mean I had fun playing but I was also very nervous and stressed at the same time. Um, and yeah, I think growing up, coming here, um, and seeing everyone lift this trophy when I was a kid, I think for sure one of my goals was granted.

2. Um, well I didn’t even know that she was here. Because I heard people yelling and there was like this screen and I heard people yelling but I didn’t wanna look up because I didn’t wanna like, see Beyonce or something and then start freaking out like, oh my god. Beyonce is watching my match or something. Um, so I wasn’t, I didn’t even know that she was here.

3. Like what he taught me?

Reporter: No, as a tennis player. What is the most important lesson that he taught you?

Important, Um,,. I mean it’s not strokes or anything because anyone can teach you strokes. I think what he taught me was, mainly, how to be more mentally strong. I think I have had a lot of conversations with my dad and it’s been a really long process and I’m really glad I think I finally understand what he is talking about, so.

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe パーマリンク


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