Japanese Vending Machines

One of my favorite things about Japan are the vending machines(自動販売機).  Vending machines are everywhere in Japan.  They are on every street corner.  When I feel thirsty it is very easy to find something to drink.   There are three reasons I love Japanese vending machines.

  1. In the summer they have cold drinks and in the winter they have hot drinks.  American vending machines do not have hot drinks in the winter.
  2.  There is a large selection(選択) of drinks you can choose.  For example there are many different kinds of coffee that you can buy.  I want to try all the different kinds of coffee! You can buy soda, cola, tea, coffee, energy drinks and even corn soup! It is like a miniature( 雛型) convenient store. American vending machines usually only sell soda and cola.
  3.  There are different sizes you can choose.  You can buy a small size or a large size.  In America there usually are only large size drinks in vending machines.

Japanese Vending Machine

American Vending Machines

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe タグ: , , , , , , パーマリンク


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