
Many common idioms use the word “fire“. We have many tools and machines that use fire when they work. For example, guns and cars. Here is an example from a movie.

In this movie you can hear the actors saying to “fire” the cannons. The other ship usually “fires back” (反撃).

So “fire” can mean “to shoot”. “Fire back” means to “counterattack” 反撃. For example,

The politician made fun of (ばかにする) the president. The president fired back at him on Twitter.

We can also use the idiom “fire up”. This means to start something or to turn something on.

In the movie clip above, they are asking him to “fire up the ovens“. Basically they are asking him to turn on the ovens.

You can use the idiom “fire up” for almost anything. For example,

The president fired up his Twitter account to fire back at the politician.

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe パーマリンク


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