First Day of the New Year

Today me and my family decided to go to Island Park on Noko no shima to enjoy our first day of 2018.  Besides beautiful flowers and trees, the park has a fun hybrid(ハイブリッド) golf course.  Hybrid is a noun that means two mix two different things together.  It is very common to see hybrid cars in Japan.  They are a mix of gasoline and electric cars.

The hybrid golf game on Noko Island is a mix of croquet(クロッケー) and golf.  They use large croquet balls and long plastic croquet mallets on a shorter version of a 9 hole golf course.

In the picture above you can see that the croquet ball has some scratches and dents in it from being struck by the mallet.

In the picture above you can see everyone holding their mallets walking down to the flag.  Regretfully the grass is not green because it is still winter, but it is still a beautiful view.  You can clearly see the ocean and horizon above the trees.

カテゴリー: English Chat Cafe パーマリンク


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