Common Idioms

Here are some very common English idioms using the word hit”.

“Hit me up” :   This means, “please contact me”.  For example,

Hit me up tomorrow after you go to the gym.

“Hit it off” :  This means, “it was very good”, or “things went very well for our first meeting”.  This meaning comes from hitting a golf ball straight and far off of its stand for the first time.  We usually use this when we describe meeting someone for the first time. For example,

A:  How was your meeting with the new guy at work?

B: We hit it off really well.

“Hit the books” :  This means, “to study”.  For example,

I need to hit the books before I take my test.

“Hit the sack/hay” : This means, ” to go to sleep”.  For example,

I’m tired so I’m going to hit the hay early tonight.



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